Distribution is an essential function for the electrical panels, as well as for control and circuit protection. As well as purely technical factors (intensity, number of outputs, etc.), the choice of a distribution system is critical regarding implementation, maintenance, operating requirements and possibility of evolving the panels.
A varied offer for optimum performance
Whatever your technical constraints and site requirements, Legrand can offer you a dedicated response thanks to a comprehensive distribution offer.
You can therefore choose between a standard system, optimised solutions and Increased Safety distribution: you can be sure of getting performance that meets your exact requirements!
Standard distribution
This is achieved using prong-type or fork-type supply busbars for horizontal distribution (single-phase & three-phase up to 63 A) and vertical supply busbars (2, 3 or 4 rows 125 or 150 mm apart), terminal blocks, distribution blocks up to 400 A, busbar supports in copper or aluminium up to 4000 A.
These solutions have been designed to create distribution systems to suit your wiring practices and provide maximum safety.
Optimised distribution
This can considerably reduce the wiring in distribution boards: the risks of bad contacts overheating due to insufficient tightening are therefore much less.
Up to 125 A, HX³/VX³ optimised distribution provides a power supply (horizontal or vertical) for rows, circuits or groups of circuits.
From 125 A upwards, it offers a complete, coherent system for carrying the electric current in the distribution board, saving a great deal of installation time: aluminium busbars, prefabricated links for connecting DPX³ MCCBs, distribution blocks adapted to the devices.
Increased Safety distribution
This is the answer for highly critical sites with specific requirements concerning operation, maintenance and upgrading.
Every site has its critical points. It is important to assess them carefully in order to optimise economic performance by choosing the most appropriate Increased Safety level: IS 223, IS 233 or IS 333.
To define the increased safety level it is essential to ask the right questions: what do I want from my distribution board during operation, for maintenance and when upgrading?
Documents related to Cablofil
International E-catalog
Consult the technical characteristics of our products. Search by product code, name and category. (consult with your commercial advisor for stock availability).